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About This Blog

Sugeng rawuh.

Welcome to this blog.

This is where I write fiction in Javanese language. All stories here are written by me.

At first, I tried to write longer strories, but then I prefer to write them shorter. I can say I write flash fiction now.

I don't put any translation here in the blog post, but you can use Google Translate I provided on the sidebar, if you need to. But I don't guarantee the satisfaction of reading the stories in other language.

Although the stories are in Javanese language, I don't always put Javanese rituals and folk tales here.

I do put Javanese names, indeed, to make the stories have a real touch of Java.

Why I named this blog renteng pete? I wish to make it as popular as pete and I really wish to create a continuous connection between the old (not ancient) and the new Javanese stories as shown in a row of pete.

If you have something to ask, please feel free to contact me via email.

Thank you.


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Aja sok meden-medeni bocah nganggo ukara ' wong edan '. Ora kepiye-kepiye, nanging aku wis nate ngonangi kanca raket sing bubar kekancan amarga bab ukara ' wong edan ' kuwi mau. # Nalika aku urip nang omah petak ana ing ibu kota, aku duwe tangga sing isih enom, ayu, jenenge Sari.


“Yu, iki mengko aku titip maneh ya” ngendikane Bu Umi. “O nggih Bu, mangke kula beta” saure Yu Jum sing lagi ngasahi piring. Wis kaping telu iki Bu Umi titip sodaqoh dinggo dandani mushola cedhak omahe Yu Jum, rewange. Jumlahe ora akeh, mung sepuluhewu rupiyah. Sakdurunge, Yu Jum sing wis rongtaun nyambut gawe nang omahe Bu Umi kuwi crita yen mushola cedhak omahe ambruk. Gandheng umure mushola kuwi ya wis tuwa tur kurang kerumat, gendhenge padha bocor, temboke akeh sing wis pecah-pecah.


"Hla kok ndengaren gawe es campur komplit, Bu?!" Edi katon sumringah weruh es campur pating jejer ana pawon. Harti mung mesem wae. Tangane isih olah-olah glepung. "Gawe gorengan barang, Bu? Wah, komplit tenan." Harti mung mesem meneh thok. Maghrib kurang limalas menit engkas. Harti wis dandan resik nyangking tas kresek gedhe-gedhe loro. "Arep nang ndi, Bu?" pitakone Edi. "Mesjid. Pasok takjilan," saure Harti. "Lho, jatahe awak dhewe dina iki?" "Ho oh. Sik ya, Pak, aku dakmangkat." "Iya." Bar adzan maghrib Edi nggoleki es campur sing digawe bojone mau. "Bu, es campure nang ngendi?" "Ya wis dakgawa mesjid to, Pak." "Kabeh???" Harti manthuk rada wedi. "Oalah, Bu...ndengaren gawe omben-omben pepak kok ya mung dinggo wong liya. Aku ora mbok bagei," Edi nggresula. "Lha Bapak ki ikhlas apa ora ta asok takjilane?" saure Harti. "Ya ikhlas, Bu. Ning rak ya gela